Green Party Conference, Hove
The Green Party Conference is taking place in Hove. The male principal speaker Keith Taylor gave his "keynote address" today, including a demand that we "declare war on carbon dioxide!" (well, it's probably more winnable to wage war on a chemical compound than an abstract noun like "terror") and there was also a good emergency motion from the GP TU group backing the striking NHS distribution workers in their fight against privatisation. Sian Berry, who is a candidate for female principal speaker is blogging the odd message from conference courtesy of the New Statesman (!)but seems to be finding it hard to fit the blogging in (I know how she feels having attended a few conferences over the years - so much to do and hear, so little time.) Jim continues to blog humorously and informatively about his first visit to a GP conference.
The mainstream media have been snidey and snooty as usual, (when not studiously ignoring the Green Conference), but there does appear to be more attention this year with climate change grabbing the headlines. The BBC did one of their Newsnight tongue-in-cheek jobs of a report, where their camera prefers to ignore everyone else in the hall and linger on Brig Oubridge and John Norris, distinguished by their impressive hirsuteness.
A lot happening at the moment, with the party conferences and NHS and peace demos tomorrow. I will try and blog on the demos over the weekend.
Good luck and greetings to all at GP conference and all those on the NHS demo in Nottingham and the anti-war demo in Manchester tomorrow.
Labels: Green Politics
Who was elected principal male speaker?
Sean, that election, unlike some of the other positions elected at conference, goes to a postal ballot of all members.
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