Red and Green Stars
Housmans, the famous peace movement and left-wing bookshop in London is a great resource for all things radical - books, newspapers, magazines, posters and badges. They also have interesting events for those able to access central London easily.
One thing that they sell that G.O.O. is pleased to promote is the metal/enamel red and green star badge, matching the ecosocialist flag colour scheme. They are £2 each, and if you are buying within the UK postage would be 37p. They also sell a range of other badges, political, humourous and classic.
Orders can be sent to -
Housmans Bookshop
5 Caledonian Road
LONDON, England
N1 9DX, UK
The more our symbols and colours get out and about and become familiar, the better. The stars are striking enough to be a talking point.
Labels: Green Left
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